
I'm Mohammed Yasser

I'm a Web Developer. My passion is in building web applications.
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About me

Web Developer, Mobile Developer, Software Tester

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Hello! I'm Mohammed Yasser. I am a senior at Misr International University graduating in July 2023 with bachelor degree of Computer Science.

In college, we implemented several projects that are related to various topics in our major. For example, Web development, machine learning, image processing, data structures and algorithms, object oriented programming, and other topics.


Web Development

Developing the front-end and back-end phases of the web application using HTML,CSS, and various JS frameworks.

Mobile Development

Developing a ready to launch mobile application for both IOS and Android Devices using FLUTTER & DART

Machine Learning

Developing machine learning models such as SVM, Neural Networks, and more to calculate specific aspects.

Software Testing

Using automation testing techniques to find bugs and errors in a software.



A booking Website for Mountain Trips


An E-commerce and Business Management Website

Weather Application

A Weather Data Viewer Website Using Current Location